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According to the Secretary General of the Triathlon Federation of Ukraine Eduard Panarin, work is currently in full swing to approve the concept of competitions among amateurs, including licensing.

It will be recalled that by prior agreement between the Triathlon Federation of Ukraine and a number of competition organizers, the Amateur Triathlon League with a single licensing system, scoring and rating calculation is expected to be launched in the 2021 season. According to the FTU Secretary General, those interested will have the opportunity to apply for a triathlete’s license in mid-February.

“The location where we work now is just a chic place to hold meetings in the preparatory period, especially in December,” Dragulyan does not hide his emotions. – The temperature of air and water in the sea reaches + 19-20 degrees Celsius. That’s enough – prices for vegetables and fruits are very low, 20 percent lower than in Ukraine at this time of year. We were a bit unlucky in the fact that literally a week ago all swimming pools in Turkey were closed due to quarantine… collection.

According to the Secretary General of the Triathlon Federation of Ukraine Eduard Panarin, work is currently in full swing to approve the concept of competitions among amateurs, including licensing.

It will be recalled that by prior agreement between the Triathlon Federation of Ukraine and a number of competition organizers, the Amateur Triathlon League with a single licensing system, scoring and rating calculation is expected to be launched in the 2021 season. According to the FTU Secretary General, those interested will have the opportunity to apply for a triathlete’s license in mid-February.

“Together with the press service of the FTU and contractors, we are actively working to modernize our official website. The work is ongoing, we can say it is in full swing and soon we will be able to see and evaluate the results. I receive calls every day asking for triathletes’ licenses, and it can’t help but rejoice! For transparent and prompt registration of such licenses, we prepare a special form for entering personal data on our website, we will automate and simplify this process as much as possible. I can’t name the exact date, but I will outline – the data for the triathlete’s license can be filled in on our website in mid-February, after which you will receive the license itself, “Eduard Panarin stressed.