08-09 MAY 2021
Competition Rules
DownloadThe organizers of the competition are the Organizing Committee, the Department of Youth and Sports of the Lviv City Council. The competitions are supported by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine. The direct management of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges, approved by the Triathlon Federation on the proposal of the panel of judges.
The responsibility for compliance with the rules of the competition and safety requirements during the competition rests with the members of the panel of judges and coaches representing the participating teams.
National teams of oblasts and the city of Kyiv, members of sports schools, sports clubs and amateurs who have the appropriate level of physical training are allowed to participate in the competition. All those wishing to take part in these competitions must register at and pay the entry fee. The limit of participants in the main start (Open Cup of Lviv at the Olympic distance) will be 300 athletes.
Each competitor must have a sports uniform, helmet, bicycle (road that complies with ITU rules) and other sports equipment required to participate in the competition in accordance with the rules of the competition approved by the Triathlon Federation.
Passport or birth certificate,
insurance policy,
a certificate from a doctor or an application,
Federation license – submitted to the mandate commission on the day of registration.
Each participant is personally responsible for compliance with the rules of the competition and safety. When applying for competitions, athletes must be aware of the need to be in good physical shape and be aware of the responsibilities and risks associated with participating in such competitions. Competitors must confirm their agreement that the Lviv Regional Triathlon Federation and the Organizing Committee are not responsible for accidents that may occur during the competition of the athlete by signing a letter of agreement containing a risk warning and waiver of any claims.
A participant or team appears in the lists of registered participants of the competition only after payment of the entry fee in full at the above link.
The cost of individual participation in the distance “Olympic” (payment 1500m / bike 40km / running 10km) in the category “AMATEURS” when paying in the period from 01.01.2020 to 01.07.2020 – 1000 UAH, from 02.07.2020 to 06.09.2020 – 1 500 UAH
The cost of team participation (relay) when paying in the period from 01.01.2020 to 01.07.2020 – UAH 2,000, from 02.07.2020 to 06.09.2020 – UAH 2,700.
The cost of individual participation in the distance “Sprint distance” (payment 500m / bike 10km / run 3km) when paying in the period from 01.01.2020 to 01.07.2020 – 500 UAH, from 02.07.2020 to 06.09.2020 – 750 UAH.
The amount of the entry fee for the category of athletes participating in the competitions “Final of the Cup of Ukraine” among the category “PRO” when paid in the period from 01.01.2020 to 1.07.2020 – 800 UAH, from 02.07.2020 to 06.09.2020 – 1000 UAH, and for athletes members of the “Triathlon Federation of Ukraine”, is determined in accordance with the decision of the Triathlon Federation of Ukraine.
Payment of the entry fee means that the participant is guaranteed to be provided with:
2 backpacks / packages;
hat for the swimming stage;
electronic chip;
t-shirt of the participant of competitions
numbers / stickers
finisher’s medal;
food and water at the distance;
food after the end of the distance; distance safety;
medical support;
electronic diploma finisher.
The competition will be timed by the judging team and using a chip system. The results of the race will be available within 24 hours after the end of the competition.
WARNING! For a failed electronic chip of the participant – a fine of UAH 500.
The competition has a time limit (for the last stream of starters):
Swimming – 50 minutes;
Swimming + Cycling – 2 hours. 20 minutes;
Running – all athletes who entered the running segment will be given the opportunity to finish.
Athletes who do not meet the time limit will be removed from the competition distance.
Team competitions (relay), ie each team member overcomes a separate segment of the distance:
Swimmer – 1500m swimming;
Cyclist – 40 km of cycling races;
Runner – 10 km of running distance.
The transfer of the baton to the next team member takes place in the transit zone. To do this, the participant who completes his stage enters transit, where he passes the baton to the participant of the next stage.
Personal test among age categories:
Category “PRO”. The age of athletes is not limited. The Final of the Cup of Ukraine will be drawn in this category. Distance: 1500m swimming + 40km cycling + 10km running;
Category “AMATEURS”. Age of athletes: 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years, 60 years. and older.
Sprint distance: 500m swimming + 12km cycling + 3km running;
Category “YOUNG PEOPLE +”. Age of athletes: born in 2005 and older.
08-09  MAY
Zaporizhzhia  Lobanovskoho Street, 21, Zaporizhia
+38 (044) 289 17 44Mail:<iframe src="!1m18!1m12!1m3!1d2676.9760560186537!2d35.09483931551758!3d47.85942697920219!2m3!1f0!2f0!3f0!3m2!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3m3!1m2!1s0x40dc66cf38525a29%3A0xb840c8ce3f9357e7!2z0KHQu9Cw0LLRg9GC0LjRhyAtINCQ0YDQtdC90LA!5e0!3m2!1sru!2sua!4v1613666011454!5m2!1sru!2sua" width="600" height="450" frameborder="0" style="border:0;" allowfullscreen="" aria-hidden="false" tabindex="0"></iframe>
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